Thursday, February 23, 2012 $25 gift certificates for $2!!!

Right now has select $25 gift certificates for only $2 when you enter the code MEMORIES at checkout!

AND if you go through Ebates, you can get a whopping 15% cash back on your purchase!

A few AWESOME restaurants to note in the Canton Ohio area are: The Flipside Grille! Two Fat Guys BBQ, El Galeron, the QQ Buffet, Rolando's and soo many more!

Now please note that all of the gift certificates come with exclusions on minimum purchases in order to use the gift card, but at $2 for $25, thats pretty good still! To give an example of how much you will be saving, I will use the gift certificate I just bought for one of my favorite restaurants, The Flipside Grille, the requirements to use the certificate state that you must purchase a minimum of $35 in order to use the $25 Gift certificate. And that an 18% Gratuity will be added prior to the discount.

So here's the breakdown:

I buy the $25 Gift Certificate for $2
I get $0.30 back from Ebates - Total now is $1.70
I go to The Flipside Grille and get $35 worth of food, obviously not by myself!
Grand total for the night - including the $6.30 in gratuity - 41.30
Take off the $25 gift certificate - $16.30

Which means I paid a grand total of $18 for a $35 meal plus the tip!

2 GREAT giveaways to check out!

2 Different Giveaways are going on over at The Busy Woman's Guide to Surviving Motherhood, you can enter both here:

Blurt Board Game - Ends 3/8 at 11:59PM 

Grandma's Trunk Alphabet Game - Ends 3/14 at 11:59PM

Subway: FREE Cookie with ANY purchase February 29th!

Just got an e-mail from Subway that they will be giving out a FREE cookie on February 29th with any purchase! You can go here to get more info and to RSVP.

FREE Sample of Simple Moisturizing Face Wash

Go here to get a FREE sample of the NEW Simple Moisturizing Face Wash on - you must watch a short video to receive your sample.
You can also share with 3 friends to receive a coupon good at CVS! 

Sample will ship within in 6-8 weeks.

Thank you Hip2Save!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

21 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 21!!!!!!

I CANNOT believe it has been 3 weeks since I started this challenge! I am so proud of myself for sticking with it longer than any other weight loss plan I have ever done! What have I learned this past 21 days? Lets see:
I have learned that yes you can live off of 3 meals a day, but 5 is soo much better! With 3 meals a day, your starving by the time you get to the next meal! With 5 your eating every couple hours and don't eat as much because you know your going to eat again soon!
I have learned that working out does not have to take a lot of time! 45 minutes MAX (thats with me taking quite a few breaks) 3 times a week doing strength,cardio and core exercises. And just lighter exercise the other 4 days. And that it can make you feel sooo good! And can be fun! Especially when others join in!
I have learned a lot about diet and balancing meals, what is good for you, what is better, and that even though something is low fat, it may not have what you need in it. And get this one! Carbs are good! And so are Proteins and FAT! Yes FAT! (I had to add that!) But the difference is all in the balance! And I had no idea that bananas and apples were carbs, call me dumb but I never knew that!

I have more energy, I feel better, I feel better about myself! I want to work out, I want to eat healthy and the effect that junk food has on my body is shocking! 

I am so excited to start the next 21 day challenge coming up at the beginning of March! I can't wait to continue achieving new goals in my health and fitness! And for final measurements and weight for this first 21 days:

At the beginning of the challenge:
Weight: 187
Waist: 36in
Abdomen: 41 1/2in
Hips: 42in
Thighs: Like I said before, the 38 was an incorrect measurement so I'm going to use my second weeks measurement for this one - 22 1/2 in
Arms: 13in

Weight: 185 - 2 lb! But oh so much more of it is muscle!
Waist : 32 in - 4 inches lost!
Abdomen: 40 1/2 - 1 inch there!
Hips: 42in - I doubt this number will move for awhile, I have to gain a butt!
Thighs: 22 in - 1/2 in gone!
Arms - 12! 1 inch lost! Not sure how but it is!

And an update on the goals:
To lose 5 lbs - I lost 2! But again, I didn't realize that I would be gaining it all back in muscle the first few months.
be able to do 5 push ups- shoulder still hurts like crap trying - I can get in 3 good ones MAX, the rest I have to attempt on my knees
Cut down on my pop intake- It was 2-3 cans a day, now I'm down to a can at the most, usually I am just taking sips of hubby's pop occasionally
Learn how to work out regularly - getting there! I did good for the most part despite being away from home for half of the challenge! 

I won't be posting pictures at this time due to not having my camera at the moment and not being home, but I will be posting before pics for the next 21 day challenge which will start in a few days! 

 If you are a blogger and would like to join me in this 21 day challenge send me a link to your blog via e-mail at nilasage (at) and I will send you a code to get the entire program FREE!

And if you are not a blogger, you can check out Dustin's page here to learn more about his fitness programs!

$3/1 KY - FREE at Wal-Mart!

Yet another KY coupon! This one states off of any! You can pick these up at Wal-Mart for $2.84 if I remember correctly which means you'll get overage!

Please remember that Wal-Mart will not give you money back so have something else to use up that overage!

You can print it here!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Don't miss the Petsmart deals!!!! Ends tomorrow!

Some pretty awesome deals going on at Petsmart for Presidents Day! Two items to note are the Hills Science Diet 4lb dog food on sale for $6 and also the dog treats for $3! Print off the $8/1 any Hills Science Diet Dog Food, ANY SIZE and the $3 off any treats 3oz or larger! Here's the trip I just made:

I ended up with 4 bags of dog food and 4 bags of treats and one of those greenies dental chews FREE!


3 Bags of Hills Science Diet 4lb dog food - $6
1 Bag of Hills Science diet 5lb dog food $7 (found this last one on an end cap!)
4 different types of Hills Science Diet Dog Treats $3
1 Greenies individually wrapped dog chew $1.69

used 4 $8/1 Hills Science Diet coupons - adjusted down to sale price
used 4 $3/1 Treats coupons
used 1 FREE Greenies coupon that I received via e-mail from Petsmart!

Total for everything BEFORE coupons: $44.91! Total out of pocket: TAX! $2.22!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Congratulations to Natalia E. for winning the Fit Mom's for Life book! She has already been e-mailed and has responded. Check back soon! I have 2 more reviews and giveaways in the making!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

21 Day weight loss challenge - Day 17!

I can't believe this months challenge is almost over! Where did the time go?! I am seriously soo proud of myself for sticking with it! I have been consistent with working out so far for Wednesday and Friday! Definitely not feeling it as much though since I had to bring my "portable" weights which are only 5lb, but that just means I gotta do a lil bit more for now, next month will definitely be better! I failed to add my measurements to Mondays post but I did take them and I will post them tonight!

I was so proud of myself last night! My husband wanted to go out for a "date night" so we went to Applebee's, not my favorite choice but, I got to go out! I'm not complaining! They did have a 550 calorie menu which was awesome! I ended up getting the grilled chicken with portobello mushrooms, peppers, onions, provolone and a dijon sauce with steamed seasonal veggies and steamed potatoes (that I did not even touch!) I had grilled shrimp added to my meal, which was what I wanted in the first place, but the only thing they had was either deep fried or smothered in jalapenos. But my meal was amazing! And I was bad, sort of, because I got the little strawberry cheesecake shooter thing for dessert, but I liked that it was so small and that by the time I finished eating it, I was DONE with sweets!

Overall, this week I have done ok with my foods, I have been working harder on getting my snacks in, portion sizes and pop intake- still a big problem for me! Especially with not being home and running a daycare, I crave all the caffeine I can get!

One other thing I can say I'm proud of! My cousin came over the other night, with her son, I made her do the workout with me, just one round of each, I was breathing slightly heavy, she was on the ground trying to catch her breath! I felt so good about it, realizing that I was her just 17 days ago! Just another one of those realizations of how far I've actually come!

And with that, we get to the measurements!

Weight: 185 - down 3lb!
Waist: 33 1/2 - another 1/2 inch!
Abdomen: 41 1/2 - up 1 1/2in, I also did this after I ate O:-)
Thighs: 22in - Same as last, this will be my biggest problem!
Arms: 12in! - A whole inch! I seriously measured, remeasured and re-remeasured! I either screwed up in the past two weeks with measuring somehow or I actually lost an inch on my arms!

I am happy with my results so far! Even though there are a few up, there are just as many down! And like I said, I did this in the evening after I ate so some of them may actually be lower! We shall see Monday when I measure again!

And one last thing I have neglected the past few posts, my goals!
Here are the goals I have set and an update on them:
1. Do the workout 3 times a week and either walking or Wii Fit the other 4 days. - I have been doing better at this, slowly, once I get into the routine it will be easier!
2. Drink more water and hopefully cut pop down to only when we eat out! - I am down to between half to a whole can a day, it has went up a little bit due to the lack of sleep and how much more active I have been this week chasing 6 kids around.
3. Get up earlier, which means getting my daughter on a different schedule! - I have been getting up earlier alright! But my bedtime is seriously killing me! As of right now it is 11:30pm and I am just now getting to this post while I wait for the last of the kids to leave so I can go to bed! And I have to be up early so I can get the grocery shopping done before they all come back!
4. Lose 5 lbs by the end of the 21 days -3 more pounds! I have to remember I am gaining muscle and will not see a big weight loss until later on!
5. Be able to do 5 Push ups without being in excruciating pain. - I am at 4...most workouts, some I can only do 2 or 3, but once again, that is because of my shoulder :/

Interested in what I'm doing? Are you a Mommy Blogger? If you answer yes to BOTH questions, contact me via e-mail with a URL of your blog and I will give you a code to get this program FREE! We start a new challenge at the beginning of every month! Sign up now for March!!!! My e-mail is nilasage(at) I would love to share this with you!

Recyclebank - earn points and receive coupons!

I seem to keep forgetting about Recyclebank! Recyclebank is another awesome way to get coupons you normally wouldn't get. It's simple and easy and if you live in an area that participates in this program, its even better! Canton, unfortunately does not participate in the program, but I wish they would! Basically one of the ways to earn points is by recycling, those awesome little blue bins you put out every weekend for the recycling truck, all adds up to points! They take the weight of all the recycled objects and convert it into points and split those points up between  recyclebank members in the community! That is just one of the ways to earn points! You can also take pledges and do quizzes and recycle kashi boxes and ziploc boxes and finding codes in products, and every once in awhile they have bigger ways for you to earn!

And what do you earn points for? Coupons! Not just store manufacturers coupons, but also coupon codes for specialty stores! A few of my favorite coupons I see right now, $2 off any 1 Kashi Item! $10 off a $30 purchase at Bed Bath & Beyond, free 1 year subscription to Popular Mechanics, $0.60 off one Q-tips! $10 Wal-Mart gift card! And sooo much more! And new stuff pops up all the time!

It's so simple and easy, and the coupons are usually a great high value which are awesome when paired with a sale! Definitely something awesome to check out!

FREE Chapstick at Walgreens!

A friend just reported that it is working at our local Walgreens! Tomorrow is the last day for it!

Select Chapsticks are $0.99 at Walgreens this week, pair that with the $1/1 Walgreens coupon in the February coupon book (located at the entrance) you can get them for FREE! Don't forget you still have to pay tax!

Thank You Tanise! :)

Clearance at CVS!

Another awesome clearance deal! Pampers Cruisers Boxes are on clearance at the local CVS for $11.49! That's 50% off! Plus if you have any coupons to go with them it makes it a better deal! I had $1.50 off from a Cheerios box :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A few Target deals - cheap Q-Tips and FREE Activia Yogurt!

While I was at Target in Massillon last night, I spotted a few awesome deals in the Dollar Spot! Everything with a purple dot is 50% off! I got an over the door shoe organizer for my daughter for $1.25 & a pink striped tray for $0.50! There was tons of stuff, but I had 2 guys with me that were a little antsy to hurry up so I just grabbed those 2 things.

They also have great sale on Activia yogurt for 2/$4 and after using the Target coupon found here and the $1/1 manufacturers coupon from the 2/12 SS it makes them FREE!

Another great deal I got was the Q-Tips, not as good as was reported but still a good deal! The deal Target is running is that you get a $5 gift card when you buy 4 select Unilever products, so you get 4 boxes of 375 ct Q-Tips priced at $2.99 = $11.96, use 4 $0.60/1 coupons from Recyclebank (you can purchase this for 30 points per coupon and print all 4 at once!) and pay $9.56 oop and get a $5 gift card back making them $4.46 for 4 or $1.14 a piece!

Another few things I found were Liz Lange Maternity T-Shirts on clearance for $4.99 paired with the $3/1 Liz Lange Target coupon it makes them $1.99 each!

And another good deal to get while your there is the UP2U gum, I forgot to print it out before I left so I did not get it, but the Mentos UP2U gum is normally priced at $1.29 (I did not check the price at Massillon though) and when you use the $0.50/1 Target coupon with the $1/1 manufacturers coupon from the 1/1 SS or 2/5 SS it makes them FREE!

Plus there is TONS of clearance and starting tomorrow there should be TONS of Valentines Day stuff on clearance!

21 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 13 (late post!)

Well I'm a day late due to the fact that we were out shopping from 5pm-11pm last night! Got a lot of walking in!

The weekends was filled with bad food choices, BUT I did good at limiting myself! I have come to realize that the more bad stuff I eat (fast food, pizza, white bread, etc) the more I feel like crap!
I have not been able to keep track of my points this weekend due to the fact that my spreadsheet AND open office will not open, still trying to fix the problem - even though I haven't the slightest  idea as to why its not working!

I was able to get in 20 min of strength training today to make up for yesterday but couldn't do anymore because I upped my weights for the first time and it seriously wore me out! And my daughter woke up from her nap, so I decided to call it quits for the day and continue the rest tomorrow as scheduled.

Since it is Tuesday and I was supposed to do my weekly measurements yesterday I have to do them tonight and I will probably post them Friday, this week and next are going to be a challenge for me since I will have more kids than usual due to filling in at my mothers daycare. But I intend to just add them to my workout! Why not teach a few kids how to jump rope and "pretend" strength training! I might even stop at Target and grab a few sets of 1lb dumbbells from the dollar spot for them (only for the more responsible ones of course!) Gonna be a long interesting week!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ollie's Bargain Outlet!

Anyone ever get a chance to stop at Ollie's Bargain Outlet in North Canton? I absolutely LOVE going there! Today we stopped after my Spring Launch meeting since it was right down the road, I got a couple cute books for my baby for $2 and $3 (originally $7 and $8 ea!) and some office supplies and if you remember the movie Thunderbirds that came out a few (when I say a few I mean like early 2000's) years ago with Vanessa Hudgens and Bill Paxton (aka - Twister!) in it, they have them for $0.99! Still a pretty cool movie for only $0.99!

Great place to check out, they always have different stuff every time I go, this time I saw big bottles of All Laundry detergent 74 loads for $7.99 (not bad if you NEED detergent!) and the bigger 96 load was $9.99! And they were having a flooring sale.

I'm pretty sure they don't take coupons, but still, at the prices they have, its almost like using a coupon on some of the stuff! Always lots of stuff!

They are currently found in 12 states: Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

If you wanna check out their website or see if there is a location near you, you can find it here.

Friday, February 10, 2012

21 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 10

I am seriously slacking here! I missed a day of my workout and never in my life have I said this but, I seriously felt horrible because I didn't work out! I was very sick all day, and just felt like...blah! So I got back on it and did my workout tonight! And I feel soo much better! Despite only getting 3 hours of sleep last night, I still feel like I have enough energy to stay up until either my child falls asleep or my hubby comes home to save me!

So update for the past 3 days, not much has changed besides what I've already mentioned, really working on my water intake/pop reduction and slowly increasing my workout time/reps. BUT I can say that after 10 days, I went from holding a plank for 5 seconds (yes I know!) to 35 seconds! AND I can do 15 push ups on my knees, or 3 regular, it still hurts my shoulder to do that motion still, but it feels like its slowly getting better! Before I started, I couldn't do 1 because of how stiff my shoulder was.

This is gonna be a real short post because of a cranky child. But I do feel alot of improvement and I have to go buy bigger weights! The ones I have are not challenging enough, which is awesome :)

Fit Mom's for Life Review & Giveaway

What can I say about this has totally changed the way I see things!

This book: Fit Moms for Life, How to have Endless Energy to Outplay Your Kids - is amazing and JUST what I needed to kick my booty into gear! Since I started reading his book I have taken alot of things to heart and started to not only change my eating and lifestyle habits but also my family's. Dustin Maher, the author of the book has been a fitness trainer since 2004 and has several different fitness classes in the Madison, Wi. area, and for those that don't live in the area, he has created this awesome book and several workout DVD's. Dustin's main focus is on Mom's and getting them to realize that they need to take time out for themselves and that it's OK to do so, which if your a mom like me, your always doing for everyone else and putting yourself basically on the back burner and never really think about it.

A little bit about the book:
There is soo much to say about this book so I'm gonna try to keep it as short as I possibly can! Like I said before Dustin's main focus is on mothers and getting them to take time out for themselves, whether this be going and working out or just sitting down and reading a book for 15 minutes out of the day. I never realized how much I do for everyone else and do nothing for me. I'm always taking care of my daughter, husband, cooking, cleaning, my business, blog, my mothers daycare, everything i do is for everyone else, what am I doing to take care of me? At first thought, this sounds like your being very selfish, which is what I thought, but seriously, it's not! Another great thing about this book is that it has transformation stories in it! I am one that loves to see before and after photos and every chapter ends with them! Dustin's whole program is built around 5 pillars of health which I am going to basically give a brief explanation of how they have changed me.

Mindset: Obviously if you go into anything with a negative attitude, it probably not going to work, so the first step is to go into it full force with a positive mindset - I tend to go into things negatively, coming from a negative background, I realized this needs to change! So going into this, I was excited and ready to try something new!

Nutrition: As always nutrition is key, and a point I love is that you need to view your food as fuel! - I love how Dustin breaks it down in this book as to what our body needs as fuel to lose weight, this doesn't mean dieting constantly or not being able to eat what we want for the most part, its all about what your putting in your body, instead of empty calories -which is one of my biggest problems, pop we need to be fueling our bodies with foods that are rich in protein and carbs yes carbs and other important..stuff (brain fart!). But knowing our limits and what is a good amount and when too much is too much!

Strength Training: Strength training is actually really important for women which I did not know! And you won't bulk up! - I really didn't know I liked strength training until I tried the workout - which is in the book!

Burst Training: Basically Cardio but in smaller bursts - Dustin recommends not doing traditional cardio and after doing the burst training, I understand why! You get your heart rate up just as much by doing short bursts as you would running on a treadmill for a mile.

Environment: As a mother, you basically control the environment you live in, therefore if your changing what you eat and your activities, its going to affect the entire family - in a good way! - I have noticed this in the little over a week that I have started this, my husband is thinking more about healthy foods instead of always reaching for stuff that wouldn't be as good for him,  my daughter is eating more fruits and veggies (and liking them!) than before, the whole house is just in a better, active mood all because of a few simple changes!

I really wish I could keep going on and on about this book, but I am going to stop there and just say that I really truly do think in my opinion this is the best book I have found so far on weight loss and staying fit!

To learn more about Dustin Maher or how to order his books or DVD's, you can go to his website here. And Dustin Maher has also kindly given me an extra book to give away! To enter the giveaway, you must be a US or Canadian Resident 18 or older. The only mandatory entry is to go to Dustin's website and leave a comment below of which transformation story you like the best, even though they are all amazing! Find the one that most matches YOU! There are also a couple added extra entries you can get too. The giveaway will run from 2/10 - 2/18!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

HOT $1.50/2 Mars Seasonal Items! released another great coupon! $1.50 off any 2 Mars Seasonal Items! NO SIZE RESTRICTIONS! Makes for cheap or FREE candy!


BIG Congratulations to Brandi Elam for winning the Fall In Love With Fluff Giveaway! Brandi has already been contacted and claimed her prize! Congratulation!

Keep checking back for more upcoming giveaways!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

HOT deal on All You Magazine 12 Months for $1 an issue!

I love All You Magazine! It is always full of awesome coupons and for this price, its even more amazing! Get it now before it goes back up!

New CVS coupon policy!

Always great to have on hand in case of problems or if your not sure of something!

Coupon Policy


Congratulations to Corinne Roberts For winning the Lovable Labels giveaway!

Keep checking back for more great giveaways coming soon!

Monday, February 6, 2012

2 Giveaways ending TONIGHT!

Don't forget to enter!

Lovable Labels Giveaway

Fall in Love with Fluff Giveaway

21 Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day 6

Alright! Day 6! Only 15 more to go! :) So far I've done my Strength/Cardio/Core workout twice, once Friday and again today, since it had to be dreary and snowy out over the weekend I had to stick to doing the Wii Fit for Saturday and Sunday, I wasn't as sore doing the workout today as I was Friday, Friday I felt like a was gonna die because I was so sore! Today, everything just feels worked.

I went shopping Sunday too and filled my fridge and freezer with tons of fruits and veggies and other stuff to snack on like nuts and yogurt and cereal. I felt really good about going into the store and not buying junk like chips and quick fix meals! The worst thing I bought was pop, I cannot give up my pop addiction just yet, I am trying! I have it down to at the most 1 can a day!

I did good with my food over the weekend, I did have a cheat meal which I really shouldn't have had and I feel bad about eating it but, I was dying for Taco Bell :/
Right now I am working on my meal plans and figuring out the whole protein/carb/fat balance and really looking at my food journal to see where I can improve!
I also had to do my measurements yesterday too, I am doing them once a week, the last time I took them was last week so I did them again last night.I also realized I did one of the measurements wrong after watching the video on how to do them correctly!

Weight: 188
Waist: 34in - went down 2 inches :)
Abdomen: 40 - went down 1 1/2 inches!
Hips: 42in
Thighs: 22in - I accidentally measured my thighs wrong last time O:-)
Arms: 13in

And as for how I feel:
I feel like I have ALOT more energy to do stuff! I actually went on a cleaning binge earlier and did a bunch of stuff around the house that I don't normally do!

My Goals: Still the same as last time.
1. Do the workout 3 times a week and either walking or Wii Fit the other 4 days.
2. Drink more water and hopefully cut pop down to only when we eat out!
3. Get up earlier, which means getting my daughter on a different schedule!
4. Lose 5 lbs by the end of the 21 days
5. Be able to do 5 Push ups without being in excruciating pain.

Again, if you are a mom blogger like me and are interested in this, you can email me you blog URL at nilasage at gmail dot com and I can send you a code to get the Fit Moms for Life program for FREE!

 Or if you are already part of the 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge, please feel free to add your blog to the linky below!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Yes! MORE clearance deals to report about! Today was for sure a good day!

Ok breakdown:
The stuff on the left was from CVS and on the right, Rite Aid

3 Suave Deodorants $1ea
used 3 $0.50/1 coupons from the 1/8 RP

3 Suave naturals bosy wash $2 ea
used buy 2 get 1 free coupon from the 1/8 RP

1 Suave Professionals Shampoo and 1 Conditioner $2 ea
used $1/2 coupon from the 1/8 RP

2 Right Guard Total Defense 5 deodorant - on CLEARANCE for $1.17!
used $1/2 coupon from the 1/22 RP

For all of this before coupons the total was $15.34 - after coupons and a $6 ECB from last week - $2.84! I got $4 back for buying $12 worth of select suave products AND $2 from buying 2 Right Guard Total Defense 5 deodorant (which technically made this a money maker!)

And Rite Aid:

4 Crest 3D vivid white toothpaste ON CLEARANCE 75% off from $4.49 making them $1.12!
used 4 $1/1 coupons from random P&G mailers I received and out of packages I've bought.

2 Stayfree pads on sale for $3 with a $2+up (limit 3)
used buy 1 get 1 free coupon from the 1/8 SS

2 Irish Spring deodorants ON CLEARANCE 75% off from $3.99 making them $0.99!
used 2 $1/1 coupons from the 1/29 SS

1 Dove Clinical value size deodorant ON CLEARANCE 75% off from $11.99! making them $2.99!
used $2/1 coupon from the 1/29 RP

Total for all this BEFORE CLEARANCE - $43.93 after clearance - $15.45, after coupons - $4.45! And I received 2 $2+ups from the Stayfree!

So for the day I paid out: $7.29+tax and got back $10 in rewards. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE clearance!

Friday, February 3, 2012

21 day weight loss program - day 3

Well, I did the workout for the first time! I feel better that I finally did it, I also can't feel my arms, my belly is sooo sore and my legs are like jello! Which just means its working :) I kinda felt like a wimp because I can barely do half of the stuff for as long as I should, or as many reps as I should, but I am going to keep at it and work hard! No giving up!

I did not do as good as I should have on my eating O:-) I was in a rush after a night of no sleep and not waking up til 10 again and had things to get done so I only had a slim fast shake and water, for lunch I had Wendy's (yeah I said I didn't do very well!) I can't stand their salads so I decided chicken was somewhat better for me so I go the monterey ranch chicken sandwich for the 99 cent menu and a value fry with a tea (no pop!) I can proudly say I have not had a pop all day! But I know I will probably end up having one with dinner because I'm getting to the point of screaming because I want one so bad. But for dinner I'm thinking stir fry - rice and mixed veggies with maybe some chicken and whole wheat dinner rolls.

My goals as of right now:
1. Do the workout 3 times a week and either walking or maybe wii fit the other 4 days.
2. Drink more water and hopefully cut pop down to only when we eat out!
3. Get up earlier, which means getting my daughter on a different schedule!
4. Lose 5 lbs by the end of the 21 days
5. Be able to do 5 Push ups without being in excruciating pain.

My goals for this week:
Work on my pop intake and empty calorie consumption and get into the whole workout routine!

Again, if you are a mom blogger like me and are interested in this, you can email me you blog URL at nilasage at gmail dot com and I can send you a code to get the Fit Moms for Life program for FREE!

Or if you are a mom blogger that is already signed up, you can link up with us by filling out the form below!

FREE Sample of Quaker Oatmeal Squares!

Free sample here! must like their facebook page!

Cook'n Giveaway ends TONIGHT!

If you haven't already, be sure to enter the Cook'n Recipe Organizer giveaway! It ends tonight (well, technically tomorrow) at 12:01AM again this a great program and is valued at $79.99! Definitely something awesome to pick up for FREE!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

21 day mommy blogger weight loss challenge!

I'm so excited to be part of this challenge! Anyone that knows me personally knows that my weight has always been a problem of mine and after having my daughter in 2010, it has gotten way out of control! So when I saw this opportunity to try something new specifically designed for moms, I jumped on it!

The 21 day weight loss challenge was created by Dustin Maher, author of Fit Mom's for Life. The challenge is only for mommy bloggers right now, but will eventually expand for the public. He has created some rules for us, including a point system, not for food and counting calories like most other "diets" but a point system towards a healthier lifestyle. A few things I like about this point system - you not only earn points but you also lose points for bad "behavior" like drinking coffee and pop! I am bad about drinking pop instead of water, I'm hopeful that this will help me kick the habit! We also earn points for doing activities like working out!

I am going to do updates on my blog of my progress at least twice a week on Mondays and Fridays, I may not be able to post a lot some days due to being extremely busy, but I AM going to post! The things I post are going to be hard for me because I am very embarrassed by how bad my weight is, but I believe this will help me to continue! start off, here is a before picture -

And my measurements:
Weight: 187
Waist: 36in
Abdomen: 41 1/2in
Hips: 42in
Thighs: 38in
Arms: 13in

My goals for the next 21 days are to lose 5 lbs,  be able to do 5 push ups - as of right now I cannot do 1 due to my shoulder problems. Cut down on my pop intake and learn how to work out regularly!

So how did day 1 & 2 go?
Well, I forgot to start yesterday with all the shows this past week, I forgot all about the challenge! So I am playing catch up on everything. I did manage to do all the weight/measurements, watch some of the videos on how to eat better and what to watch out for. Right now I am downloading the workout videos and will be starting them bright and early tomorrow morning! And possibly tonight if I get a chance! I have only had one can of Mt.Dew today which is really good for me seeing as I am a popaholic, I have had 2 bottles of water so far (yay!) and I did manage to eat relatively good for the day. I do feel better since I did work out a little bit today after my fitness test, my shoulder hurts but its not unbearable. I can't wait to move on to tomorrow!

I am very optimistic about this challenge, it is like nothing I've ever done before and I really do think it will work! As of right now this challenge is only for mom bloggers, if you are a mom blogger and would like to sign up for this challenge, you can send me a link to your blog and your email address and I can send you a code to sign up for FREE!

New coupons to print!

Looking through and I see quite a few new coupons on here, here's a list of a few that I think are pretty good!

Used no zip:
$2/1 Angel Soft -36 double rolls or larger - still a great coupon because angel soft is on the cheaper side!

$0.50/2 Kraft Shredded Cheese - 8oz or larger - good at places like Hometown or Giant Eagle that double!

$1/1 Cheerios Peanut Butter Cereal

$0.75/1 Dulce De Leche Cheerios Cereal - great for doubling!

$1/1 - 6 pk Snapple

$0.55/1 Brawny Single Roll Paper Towels - good for doubling!

$2/1 Welch's Fruit Fizz Sparkling Juice - heard rumors that these are around $3 at Wal-Mart so inexpensive after coupon!

$3/1 Rayovac PS60 Rechargeable Power Pack - never seen this one before!

$1/1 Mitchum - these are always great to print out for sales!

Zip 44706:

$1/1 M&M's Pretzels

$3/1 Hormel Party Tray - $10.98 at Wal-Mart

$1/1 Flintstones Multivitamin

Zip 90210:

$1/1 South Beach Diet Bars

Wednesday, February 1, 2012